Holy Week is just around the corner, marking the most important season of the Christian calendar â•fi when we remember Jesusâ•Ž
death on the cross and celebrate his resurrection. This is an incredibly special week, no matter how old you are.
The Children and Families Team at Evangelisation Brisbane have created a video resource with some ideas to engage the kids in
our families, parishes and communities, so that they can make a new beginning with Jesus this Holy Week also.
You can access the video, and the other Holy Week and Easter resources here: https://tinyurl.com/kidshwvideo
death on the cross and celebrate his resurrection. This is an incredibly special week, no matter how old you are.
The Children and Families Team at Evangelisation Brisbane have created a video resource with some ideas to engage the kids in
our families, parishes and communities, so that they can make a new beginning with Jesus this Holy Week also.
You can access the video, and the other Holy Week and Easter resources here: https://tinyurl.com/kidshwvideo