Regular financial contributions help our parish to plan ahead and meet our financial commitments. As a parishioner you can give weekly, fortnightly or monthly via direct debit, credit card or giving envelopes. Contributions made via direct debit and credit card are increasing in popularity and enable our parish to rely on your generosity throughout the year. If you would like to set up a regular direct debit or credit card payment to Jubilee Catholic Parish please download one of the forms below.
Planned Giving app: The Parish Giving app is part of the Archdiocese of Brisbane and has been set up specifically for parishioners to electronically connect to their Parish for regular and one off giving. The Parish Giving app allows you to complete your giving on your mobile phone via either Android, Apple or Web app. Giving to your Parish has never been easier. Please click here for instructions |
Donations and Payments 100% of any one-off donations or bequests to the Jubilee Catholic Parish are retained by the Parish. How to make a donation? You can make a donation in one of two ways as listed below:
2. To make a donation using a direct funds transfer / Electronic Funds Transfer use the EFT details below: EFT Details A/C Name: Jubilee Catholic Parish BSB: 064-786 A/C No: 100017685 Reference: Your surname/business name Remittance: Email your remittance advice to: [email protected] Planned Giving If you are enrolled in our Planned Giving Scheme and would like to make a donation please click on the planned giving button and use your giver number as the Reference #. Our Refund Policy All requests for refunds must be made in writing (email or post). Please read our refund policy to understand the conditions under which a refund will be made. Our Refund Policy Bequests One of the greatest contributions you can make to the mission of the Church is to leave your own legacy of faith for future generations. A gift in your will, no matter how big or small, is one way you can personally advance your faith and the work of the parish. For more information on the Jubilee Parish Endowment Fund please click or phone (07) 3324 3985 |