Adult Baptism: Rite for the Christian initiation of Adults - RCIA

- Inquiry Period.
- The Period of Evangelisation and Pre-catechumenate or Inquiry is the first stage of the journey. It is a time to explore and question your faith, uncover the basic message of the Gospel and begin to discern how to live this in your life.
It is a time of discovery with no fixed structure or duration. This is described this as a time for inquiry and introduction to the gospel values; an opportunity for the beginnings of faith.
Catechumenate Period
The Period of the Catechumenate is a time for you to deepen your understanding of the Catholic faith and relationship with Jesus. It is a time for suitable pastoral formation and guidance. It can be thought of as an apprenticeship.
At the heart of the Catechumenate period is conversion of heart, the conversion to Jesus Christ.
Period of Purification
The period of Purification and Enlightenment is a time for reflection and prayer and a time to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus. This is a period of more intense spiritual preparation, consisting more in interior reflection than catechetical instruction. It often occurs in the Church during the season of Lent before Easter.- Post Baptismal Period or Mystagogy
- This is a time when the newly baptised (neophytes) begin their lifelong commitment to living a Christian life. It marks a shift from learning about faith to living faith in everyday life and a shift from looking within to looking outside, to the community.
At Jubilee Parish, the Christian initiation of adults takes place in stages over a period of a year.
The person inquiring is welcomed into coming regularly to a parish mass. Then follows an extended period of learning, prayer and conversion of life.
They are accompanied by a member of the congregation and another facilitates the process as they become ‘at home with God’s people.’
A series of Rites (rituals) occurs along the way.
If readiness to be initiated into the Church is discerned, the three sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and admission to Eucharist are celebrated together at the Easter Vigil.
The Easter season which follows is a time of growing into the experience of participating in the life of the parish.
Parishioners who are interested to inquire about the process are invited to contact the parish office on 3324 3985 or email: [email protected]
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