
The baptism of infants is completed in early childhood by confirmation and first communion. In confirmation, the children receive a special release of the Holy Spirit when the Bishop lays his hand on their head and anoints them with the fragrant oil of Chrism. This takes place from the year when the children turn eight (Year Three).
The sacramental policy of the Archdiocese of Brisbane has established a cooperative process involving parish, family and Catholic school. For a copy of the diocesan policy, see Sacramental Policy of the Archdiocese of Brisbane
In Jubilee Parish, confirmation is usually celebrated at the end of August. Sacramental preparation begins at the beginning of term 3.
The time of preparation begins with the compulsory parent information session. The children collect their work books and mass passports at the following weekend mass.
To inquire about confirmation or to register for sacramental preparation, parishioners are invited to contact the parish office.
For background on the Catholic Sacraments of Initiation visit the Flame of Faith website here.
For background information, visit the Archdiocese of Brisbane website
The sacramental policy of the Archdiocese of Brisbane has established a cooperative process involving parish, family and Catholic school. For a copy of the diocesan policy, see Sacramental Policy of the Archdiocese of Brisbane
In Jubilee Parish, confirmation is usually celebrated at the end of August. Sacramental preparation begins at the beginning of term 3.
The time of preparation begins with the compulsory parent information session. The children collect their work books and mass passports at the following weekend mass.
To inquire about confirmation or to register for sacramental preparation, parishioners are invited to contact the parish office.
For background on the Catholic Sacraments of Initiation visit the Flame of Faith website here.
For background information, visit the Archdiocese of Brisbane website